
Selected Publications (for more publications, please refer to PubMed)

  1. Klein, T., Fung, S.Y., Renner, F., Blank, M.A., Dufour, A., Kang, S., Bolger-Munro, M., Scurll, J.M., Priatel, J.J., Schweigler, P., Melkko, S., Gold, M.S., Viner, R.I., Régnier, S.H., Turvey, S.E., and Overall, C.M. 2015. The Paracaspase MALT1 Cleaves HOIL1 Reducing Linear Ubiquitination by LUBAC to Dampen Lymphocyte NF-κB Signalling Nature Communications 6, 8777. 1-17. (Featured Article and Featured in Nature Immunology, Highlighted by Faculty of 1000 as a highly significance paper).
  2. Marino G., Eckhard U., and Overall C.M. 2015. Protein Termini and their Modifications Revealed by Positional Proteomics. ACS Chemical Biology 10, 1,754-1,764
  3. Eckhard U., Marino G., Butler G.S., and Overall, C.M. 2015. Positional Proteomics in the Era of the Human Proteome Project on the Doorstep of Precision Medicine. Biochimie, S0300-9084(15)00338-7
  4. Eckhard U., Huesgen P.F., Schilling O., Bellac C.L., Butler G.S., Cox J.H., Dufour A., Goebeler V., Kappelhoff R., Keller U.A., Klein T., Lange P.F., Marino G., Morrison C.J., Prudova A., Rodriguez D., Starr A.E., Wang Y., and Overall C.M. 2015. Active site specificity of the matrix metalloproteinase family: Proteomic identification of 4300 cleavage sites by nine MMPs explored with structural and synthetic peptide cleavage analyses. Matrix Biology, pii: S0945-053X(15)00129-8.
  5. Eckhard U., Marino G., Abbey S.R.,Tharmarajah G., Matthew I., and Overall C.M. 2015. The Human Dental Pulp Proteome and N-Terminome: Levering the Unexplored Potential of Semitryptic Peptides Enriched by TAILS to Identify Missing Proteins in the Human Proteome Project in Underexplored Tissues. Journal of Proteome Research 14(9):3568-82.
  6. Huesgen, P.F., Lange, P.F., Rogers, L.D., Solis, N., Eckhard, U., Kleifeld, O., Goulas, T., Gomis-Rüth, F.X., and Overall, C.M. 2015. LysargiNase Mirrors Trypsin for Protein C-Termini and Methylation Sites Identification. Nature Methods 12, 55-58.
  7. Fortelny, N., Yang, Sh., Pavlidis, P., Lange, P.F., and Overall, C.M. 2015. Proteome TopFIND 3.0 and TopFINDer: Database and Analysis Tools for the Association of Protein Termini to Pre- and Post-translational Events. Nucleic Acids Research 43 (Database issue), D290-297.
  8. Bellac, C.L., Dufour, A., Krisinger, M.J., Roberts, C.R., Loonchanta, A., Butler, G.S., Starr, A.E., Lange, P.F., auf dem Keller, U., Goebeler, V., Kappelhoff, R., Burtnick, L.D., Conway, E.M., and Overall, C.M. 2014. Macrophage Matrix Metalloproteinase-12 Dampens Inflammation and Neutrophil Influx in Arthritis. Cell Reports 9, 618-632.
  9. Fortelny, N., Cox, J.H., Kappelhoff, R., Starr, A.E., Lange, P.F., Pavlidis, P., and Overall, C.M. 2014. Network Analyses Reveal Pervasive Functional Regulation Between Proteases in the Human Protease Web. PLoS Biology 12, doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001869. (Featured Weekly Editors Pick)
  10. Marchant, D.J., Bellac, C., Moraes, T.J., Wadsworth, S.J., Dufour, A., Butler, G.S., Bilawchuk, L.M., Hendry, R.G., Robertson, A.G., Cheung, C.T., Ng, J., Ang, L., Luo, Z., Heilbron, K., Norris, M.J., Duan, W., Bucyk, T., Karpov, A., Devel, L., Georgiadis, D., Hegele, R.G., Luo, H., Granville, D.J., Dive, V., McManus, B.M., Overall, C.M. 2014. A new transcriptional role for matrix metalloproteinase-12 in antiviral immunity. Nature Medicine 20, 493-502. doi 1038/nm.3508. (Featured Article in News and Views).
  11. auf dem Keller, U., Prudova, A., Eckhard, U., Fingleton, B., and Overall, C.M. 2013. Systems-Level Analysis of Proteolytic Events in Increased Vascular Permeability and Complement Activation in Skin Inflammation. Science Signaling 6, rs2, 1-15: DOI: 10.1126/scisignal.2003512.
  12. Dufour, A. and Overall, C.M. 2013. Missing the Target: Matrix Metalloproteinase Anti-Targets in Inflammation and Cancer. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 34, 233-242. Invited Review (Cover Photo).
  13. Lange, P. and Overall, C.M. 2011. TopFIND, a Knowledgebase Linking Protein Termini with Function. Nature Methods 8, 703-704.
  14. Kleifeld, O., Doucet, A., Prudova, A., auf dem Keller, U., Gioia, M., Kizhakkedathu, J., and Overall, C.M. 2011. System-Wide Proteomic Identification of Protease Cleavage Products by Terminal Amine Isotopic Labeling of Substrates. Nature Protocols 6, 1578-1611.
  15. Schilling, O., Huesgen, P.F., Barré, O., auf dem Keller, U., and OveralI, C.M. 2011. Characterization of the Prime and Non-Prime Active Site Specificities of Proteases by Proteome-derived Peptide Libraries and Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Nature Protocols 6, 111-120.
  16. Schilling, O., Barré, O., Huesgen, P.F., and Overall, C.M. 2010. Proteome-wide Analysis of Protein Carboxy Termini: C Terminomics. Nature Methods 7, 508-511. Featured in C&EN.
  17. Kleifeld, O., Doucet, A., auf dem Keller, U., Prudova, A., Schilling, O., Starr, A., Foster, L.J., Kizhakkedathu, J.N., and Overall, C.M. 2010. Isotopic labeling of Terminal Amines in Complex Samples Identifies Protein N-termini and Protease Cleavage Products. Nature Biotechnology 28, 281-288.
  18. Butler, G.S. and Overall, C.M. 2009. Proteomic Identification of Multitasking Proteins in Unexpected Locations Complicates Drug Targeting. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 8, 935-948.
  19. Schilling, O. and Overall, C.M. 2008. Proteome-derived Database Searchable Peptide Libraries for Identifying Protease Cleavage Sites. Nature Biotechnology 26, 685-694.
  20. Overall, C.M. and Blobel, C.P. 2007. In Search of Partners: Linking Extracellular Proteases to Substrates. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 8, 245-257.
  21. Wolf, K., Wu, Y.I., Liu, Y., Geiger, J., Tam, E., Overall, C.M., Stack, M.S., Friedl, P. 2007. Multi-step Pericellular Proteolysis Controls for the Transition from Individual to Collective Cancer Cell Invasion. Nature Cell Biology 9, 893-904.
  22. Overall, C.M. and Kleifeld, O. 2006. Validating MMPs as Drug Targets and Anti-targets for Cancer Therapy. Nature Reviews Cancer 6, 227-239.
  23. Tam, E.M., Morrison, C.M., Wu, Y., Stack, S., and Overall, C.M. 2004. Membrane Protease Proteomics: Isotope Coded Affinity Tag/Tandem Mass Spectrometry Identification of Undescribed MT1-MMP Substrates, Proceedings National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 101, 6917-6922.
  24. Puente, X.S., Sanchez, L.M., Overall, C.M., and López-Otín, C. 2003. Human and Mouse Proteases: A Comparative Genomic Approach. Nature Reviews Genetics 4, 544-558.
  25. Zhang, K., McQuibban, G.S., Silva, C., Butler, G.S., Johnston, J.B., Holden, J., Clark-Lewis, I., Overall, C.M.*, and Power, C.* 2003. HIV-Induced Metalloproteinase Processing of the Chemokine SDF-1 Causes Neurodegeneration. (*Joint Senior Authors) Nature Neuroscience 6, 1064-71.
  26. Balbín, M., Fueyo, A., Tester, A.M., Pendás, A. M., Pitiot, A.S., Astudillo, A., Overall, C.M., Shapiro, S. and López-Otín, C. 2003. Loss of Collagenase-2 Confers Increased Skin Tumor Susceptibility to Male Mice. Nature Genetics 35, 252-257.
  27. López-Otín, C. and Overall, C.M. 2002. Protease Degradomics: A New Challenge for Proteomics. Invited Review. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 3, 509-519.
  28. Overall, C.M. and López-Otín, C. 2002. Strategies for MMP Inhibition in Cancer: Innovations for the Post-Trial Era. Invited Review. Nature Reviews Cancer 2, 657-672.
  29. McQuibban, G.A., Gong, J.-H., Tam, E., McCulloch, C.A.G., Clark-Lewis, I., and Overall, C.M. 2000. Inflammation Dampened by Gelatinase A Cleavage of MCP-3. Science 289, 1202-1206.