Philipp Lange

Philipp F. Lange

now: Principle Investigator for Proteomics in Childhood Cancer at the Lange Lab – University of British Columbia

University of British Columbia
Faculty of Medicine
Child & Family Research Institute
950 West 28th Avenue
Vancouver, BC Canada V5Z 4H4

Phone: +1 604 875 2000 ext 6015 (office)

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  • TopFIND is the Termini oriented protein Function Inferred Database (TopFIND) is an integrated knowledgebase focused on protein termini, their formation by proteases and functional implications. It contains information about the processing and the processing state of proteins and functional implications thereof derived from research literature, contributions by the scientific community and biological databases. [read more]

Selected Publications (2006 – 2014)

  • Nikolaus Fortelny, Jennifer Cox, Reinhild Kappfelhoff, Amanda E. Starr, Philipp F. Lange, Paul Pavlidis, Christopher M. Overall (2014). Network Analyses Reveal Pervasive Functional Regulation Between Proteases in the Human Protease Web PLoS Biology, 12(5):e1001869. PMID: 24865846.
  • Lange PF*, Huesgen PF*, Nguyen K, Overall CM (2014) Annotating N termini for the Human Proteome Project: N termini differentiate stable processed protein species from degradation remnants in the human erythrocyte proteome. Journal of Proteome Research13 (4), 2028-2044 (* joint first authors)
  • Huesgen PF*, Lange PF*, Overall CM (2014) Ensembles of protein termini are sensitive and specific proteolytic signature biomarkers of disease, Proteomics – Clinical Applications (in press) (* joint first authors)
  • Lange PF, Overall CM (2013) Protein TAILS: When termini tell tales of proteolysis and function. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 17(1):73-82
  • Philipp F. Lange, Pitter F. Huesgen, Christopher M. Overall (2012). TopFIND 2.0—linking protein termini with proteolytic processing and modifications altering protein functionNucleic acids research. 40(D1): D351-D361.
  • Philipp F. Lange & Christopher M. Overall (2011). TopFIND, a knowledgebase linking protein termini with functionNature Methods 8: 703–704.
  • auf dem Keller U, Bellac CL, Li Y, Lou Y, Lange PF, Ting R, Harwig C, Kappelhoff R, Dedhar S, Adam MJ, Ruth TJ, Bénard F, Perrin DM, Overall CM (2010). Novel matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor [18F]marimastat-­‐aryltrifluoroborate as a probe for in vivo positron emission tomography imaging in cancerCancer Research 1;70(19):7562-­9.
  • Philipp F. Lange, Lena Wartosch, Thomas J. Jentsch, Jens C. Fuhrmann (2006). ClC–7 requires Ostm1 as a β–subunit to support bone resorption and lysosomal functionNature 440: 220–223.


  • Lange PF, Wartosch L, Jentsch TJ, Fuhrmann JC, Pharmos Biosciences AS (DK). Screening compounds for activity in modulating chloride ion transport. EP1963864 B1 (Dec. 9, 2009), DE602006011054 D1 (Jan. 21, 2010), US7851165 B2 (Dec. 14, 2010)
    Impact: Identification of therapeutic compounds for use in treating bone resorption conditions such as osteoporosis.