Lindsay RogersLindsay Rogers (Brown)

Post-doctoral fellow
Funded by the MSFHR and CIHR

University of British Columbia
2350 Health Sciences Mall
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, Canada

Lab: #4.420; Bench 10
Phone: +1-604-822-3561 (lab)


  • Ph.D. (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), University of British Columbia, 2010.
  • B.Sc. Honours (Biochemistry), Queen’s University, 2005.

Research Interests

The ADAMs (A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase) and MMPs (Matrix Metalloproteinase) comprise large families of metalloproteases, each with a broad range of substrates and established roles in normal physiology and several diseased states. Proteolytic processing by these enzymes involves limited and highly specific cleavage of peptide bonds and can achieve activation, inactivation or completely altered substrate function. For example, ectodomain shedding can stimulate or desensitize signaling through a cell surface receptor, and highly specific cleavage of chemokines can reverse their activity. My research is focused on identifying novel targets of ADAM17 and MMP12 using proteomics methods. These include quantitative shotgun analyses, degradomics approaches and protein-protein interaction screens.

Selected Publications

  • Rogers LD, and Overall CM (2013). Proteolytic post translational modification ofproteins: proteomic tools and methodology. Mol Cell Proteomics. 12:12, 3531-3542. PMID: 23887885
  • Rogers LD, Brown NF, Fang Y, Pelech S, and Foster LJ (2011). Phosphoproteomic analysis of Salmonella-infected cells identifies key kinase regulators and SopB-dependent host phosphorylation events. Sci Signal. 4:191, rs9. PMID: 21934108
  • Rogers LD, Fang Y, and Foster LJ (2010). An integrated global strategy for cell lysis, fractionation, enrichment and mass spectrometric analysis of phosphorylated peptides. Mol Biosyst. 6:5, 822-829. PMID: 20567768.
  • Rogers LD and Foster LJ (2009). Phosphoproteomics – finally fulfilling the promise?, Molecular BioSystems. 5:10, 1122-1129. PMID: 19756301.
  • Rogers LD, Kristensen AR, Boyle EC, Robinson DP, Ly RT, Finlay BB, and Foster LJ (2008). Identification of host targets and specific ubiquitylation sites on the Salmonella effector SopB/SigD”. Journal of Proteomics, 71:1, 97-108. PMID: 18541478.
  • Rogers LD, and Foster LJ (2008). Contributions of proteomics to understanding phagosome maturation. Cellular Microbiology. 10:7, 1405-1412. PMID: 18331591.
  • Rogers LD and Foster LJ (2007). The dynamic phagosome proteome and the contribution of the ER. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 104:47, 18520 – 18525. PMID: 18006660.