Isabel Pablos

Since July 2022 – Research Scientist at Abcellera, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Research Associate in the Overall lab until June 2022

Centre for Blood Research
University of British Columbia
2350 Health Sciences Mall
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, Canada

Lab: #4.420, Bench 4
Phone: +1-604-822-3561 (lab)
Fax: +1-604-822-7742
Email: isabel.pablos (a)


I completed my Bachelor thesis in cancer research at the Center of Molecular Immunology, Cuba. I recently finished the PhD at the University of Salzburg, Austria. My PhD mainly focused on identification, physicochemical, and immunological characterization of clinically relevant weed pollen allergens. I moved to Vancouver to start as a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the lab of Dr. Chris Overall. Here, I will be working on the project “Moonlighting Inflammatory Proteolytic Proteins”.

Expertise: Mammalian cell culture, mice tumor models, flow cytometry, recombinant protein expression and purification, protein analytics (CD, FTIR, western blot).